Modern schooling is not easy and requires a certain level of initial   the knowledge and skills in mathematics, namely the account. Therefore, in various courses, trainings and kindergarten children are taught this. Often parents are engaged with their children, even without thinking about preparing for school. This is especially true when the child does not go anywhere, or often sick. However, the methods used by parents, are not always effective. Often children have difficulty mastering the school mathematics program, and one of the main reasons is the lack or loss of interest in the subject. Therefore, it is important that preschool-age children account is taught experts and teachers of the program "Preparing for school."
 Hence it is clear that the most important task of the teacher working with children of preschool age,   is the development of their   interest in mathematics and numeracy. And to do this you need to start at a very early age. Even if it seems that the child does not understand anything.
 The basis of the number of mathematics, but often have difficulty in order to explain to the kid that this number and figure. Joining preschoolers to this interesting subject within the family, namely in the form of a game will help them in the future faster and easier to digest complex issues of a school course.
 The formation of the child's concepts of numerical number and composition of use contributes to a variety of games and good examples (for example, on the way to kindergarten, you can ask the child to count you encountered on the way items) by which to 6 years of the child already have an idea including. Some children at this age learn the numerical series to 10, and some are already up to 100.
During training   account in our educational center children learn basic mathematical operations of addition and subtraction with them   get and improve the   analysis skills of its constituent parts, the definition of the previous and subsequent numbers. When teaching the account of children of preschool age, as well as   solidify   knowledge is actively used different math games.