Комплексная подготовка к школе
Integrated preparation for school
Educational center "Aristotle" offers a comprehensive training school for children 5-6 years. Contents of the program is aimed at developing the qualities of the person, the peculiarities of mental processes and those activities that determine the formation of stable cognitive interest of children necessary for their success in school.Comprehensive training includes the following areas:
- classical training to the school, consisting of three blocks: «Introduction to Gramoteykoy" and "Reading with love»; «Steps Mathematics»; «recognizable-ka»;
- purposeful formation of psychological readiness of the child to the school as a personal and intellectual (block "Steps intellect»);
- the development of coherent speech: the expansion of vocabulary; retelling training (using special techniques); development of intonational expressiveness of speech.
Experienced teachers step-by-step detail will show not only what is necessary to teach a child 4-6 years of age, but also how to teach. After developing it can only be regarded as the training that advances the child's mental development, improving perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, motor areas, arbitrary behavior - that is, those mental functions and personality traits that are the basis of successful development of a child any training program.
Priority areas of study:
- the development of intellectual and creative potential of the child;
- the development of his individual skills, increase self-esteem.
The classes are formed:
- Personal and socio-psychological readiness: the adoption of the position of the student; the formation of positive attitudes towards school learning activities; the ability to communicate with peers and adults; ability to enter the children's society, to work together with others.
- Intellectual readiness: orientation of the child in the environment, the stock of his knowledge learned in the system; the desire to learn new things, curiosity; sensory development; development of visual images, speech, thought, imagination, memory.
- Emotional readiness: the development of an adequate response to the various phenomena of reality, the ability to differentiate and properly interpret the emotional state of others; expansion of the range of emotions experienced and understood, the level of transmission of the emotional state in terms of speech.
- volitional: the ability to control his behavior; the desire to overcome difficulties and achieve high results .
- Training is conducted in small groups and individually;
- Each lesson includes 3 lessons of 25 minutes .
- Classes are held on weekdays and on weekends.