Second, after the pre-school age, an important step in mastering the speech falls on the school period. By the age of seven, children tend to have basic means of verbal communication on the basis of previously obtained syntactic and morphological knowledge - is for the most part at a conversational level, of course. Simply put, children develop speech activity through the perception and speaking. It is therefore necessary to create favorable conditions for speech activity of students, for communication, for explanations of the emotions and thoughts.

Why do we need additional training on speech development Grade 4?

 Successfully master the spoken and written language in school settings only if the training will be focused on all kinds of speech activity: listening and speaking, reading and writing. Also, it is important to approach this issue in a timely manner and without delay.
 Additional classes in language development Grade 4 in the Educational Center "Aristotle" solve the following tasks:
  • the development of interest in the Russian language as an academic subject; broadening and deepening of the program material;
  • prompting interest among students to work independently on the knowledge of the Russian language and the native language;
  • improving the overall language development of junior schoolchildren.
 Program language development Grade 4 in the heart of "Aristotle" allows children to open fascinating, diverse, inexhaustible world of words, the Russian language the world. This is of particular importance in the formation of true cognitive interest as the basis for a successful learning process.