Russian language tests

The Russian language school program attaches great importance to, because he did not object to study more, but first and foremost a learning tool. Strengthening the practical orientation of the study of the Russian language at school draws attention to a greater extent to the problems of the theory that lay the foundation for the formation of spelling, punctuation and speech skills.


The program of additional training in preparation for the on the Russian language test

  The most important rule: additional classes should be regular, consistent and thorough, because the knowledge of the Russian language creates the conditions for the successful assimilation of all subjects. Target based on additional activities that contribute to the successful completion of a test in Russian language :
  • the development of interest in the Russian language as an academic subject;
  • improving spelling and punctuation skills;
  • enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech of pupils.
 Work on the preparation for tests in the Russian language must be conducted in such a way as to instill in schoolchildren, not only the desire to get the highest score, but the desire to master the Russian language. Given this fact, the organization of the activities of students in the classroom in "Aristotle" the center is based on the following principles:
  • entertaining;
  • scientific;
  • consciousness and activity;
  • visibility;
  • the connection between theory and practice;
  • individual approach to students.
 Program Test Preparation for the Russian language in the Educational Center "Aristotle" and built taking into account the systemic principles of scientific and accessibility, taking into account the age characteristics of students.
I would like to note that the high level of Russian language skills has a positive effect on the general level of education of each person, so this discipline is important to be taken very seriously. At the same time, frankly, the quality of knowledge of the Russian language received in schools, often leaves much to be desired.
Younger students need to constantly motivate the study of the Russian language, to a desire to develop their intellectual abilities. Additional classes in Russian language form an integral part of the educational process in an elementary school: a complex process to develop and improve writing and speaking, able to accurately and logically express their thoughts in instilling love for their language.
It is in the process of studying the Russian language in the 4th grade foundations for the future of linguistic knowledge. During this period, students formed skills literate writing, they learn the basic provisions of the science of language, developing oral and written language. Therefore, it is important that students keep up with the curriculum and improve their knowledge of the Russian language, in fact restore the gaps later will be more difficult than to warn them now.
Russian language is considered one of the most difficult subjects in school. Therefore, students need to constantly develop their skills and abilities, and the entire period of study must be performed continuously and consistently. Fifth graders were tested in this dire need. It was in the 5th grade students receive so much new information that no additional training they will be hard to digest it all.
The study of the Russian language in the 6th grade is high, but the level of difficulty available, in which the leading role occupied by theoretical knowledge. At the fore the disclosure and use of cognitive capacities of students as their development tool and as a basis for mastering educational material.
The study of Russian language requires a comprehensive approach. Often, not enough only obtained in accordance with the curriculum of knowledge - not less important regular independent work of the student or the use of unusual methods of presentation material teachers. Successfully achieve your goals will help vocational training, based on a wealth of teaching experience.
It has long been no secret that getting a perfect score on the subject to the DPA is only possible if the preparation for it was started in advance with the participation of the best teachers. Since Grade 8 precedes the one in which pupils sit the DPA, then, starting from this year, extra lessons in the Russian language is a necessary and integral part of student learning.
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