"Aristotle" opens new horizons!

We invite you to visit the Education Festival for Children START UP, where the teachers of the Educational Center "Aristotle" read a lecture for young parents on the theme: "The development of speech in children from 3 to 10 years."

Program lectures will be disclosed following topics: Stages of formation of the child's speech, the influence of parents and the community on the process of development of the baby, the use of language games in the learning process, the problem of bilingualism in the family.

Parents will be able to ask questions, ask for advice. They will be given the answers to the most exciting young parents questions: "How to help your child speak before," "How to help your child to learn to build his speech," "How much time should be spent on additional activities at home?" and many others.

The lecture will be held April 25 at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val.
For more information about the event, please call +7 (495) 540 49 60