Younger students need to constantly motivate the study of the Russian language, to a desire to develop their intellectual abilities. Additional classes in Russian language form an integral part of the educational process in an elementary school: a complex process to develop and improve writing and speaking, able to accurately and logically express their thoughts in instilling love for their language.

Improve the knowledge of the Russian language in the additional classes

 The system works on group lessons program Russian language class 2 tests in the Educational Center "Aristotle" includes two focus: work with at-risk students for practical skills on the basic course of Russian language and work with the "strong" students on expand their knowledge of the studied subject.
 It is worth noting that goals and objectives are different from other training lessons. They have their own content, its specificity in the organization and conduct of, its forms and methods. The main objectives of supplementary classes in the program Russian language class tests 2:
  • promote the assimilation of basic knowledge of phonetics, graphics, grammar, morphemics;
  • to arouse interest in the academic subject;
  • to deepen and expand the knowledge of the language as a science;
  • to form creative abilities
  • students
 It's no secret that the Russian language lessons are not a favorite among children in primary grades, and in the middle tier. The success of the training is largely determined by interest to the subject. This is known to all: teachers, parents, and students themselves. But to ensure that children learn with enthusiasm, happy to go to class, it is not always possible. One means of solving this problem is to visit additional lessons, because implementation of all these problems, of course, is not so high at the time of the traditional lessons in carrying out additional studies on the program Russian language class 2 tests in the heart "Aristotle".