Currently, the issue is particularly relevant with respect to improving the quality of the educational process, which is also closely linked with the formation of the content of school mathematics. Additional classes in preparation for the tests in mathematics Grade 3 are used to improve the students' ability to solve mathematical problems of any complexity, for the acquisition of logical and algorithmic literacy, the use of modern learning tools.

Timely preparation for tests - the key to successful delivery

 For the quality of Learning must constantly carry out training exercises of various difficulty levels. It should also take into account the fact that tests in mathematics Grade 3 rather are used to test and apply the knowledge and skills that students have already mastered in mathematics lessons than to produce new.
 The main objectives of the program of preparation for the tests in mathematics in Grade 3 "Aristotle" Education Center are as follows:
  • the development of logical and creative thinking, imagination;
  • the formation of subject and skills necessary to successfully address the educational and practical tasks of continuing education;
  • the development of the foundations of mathematical knowledge, the formation of the initial concepts of mathematics;
  • raise interest in mathematics, the desire to use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.
 We have developed a training program to the tests in mathematics Grade 3 allows you to provide the required level of training of students contemplated by the state standard of mathematical education, as well as allows them at the same time such training, which is sufficient for in-depth study of mathematics. During the entire study in the center of "Aristotle" children develop the ability to reason, analyze, imaginative and logical thinking, and strive to find a way out on their own response.