Important indicators are intelligent schoolboy level imagery and consistency in the construction of his speech, and therefore timely to engage in the development of speech of younger schoolboys is not what is important, and perhaps even a must for a successful education of students in the later stages of maturation. Teach children correctly and beautifully express their thoughts, both orally and in writing - a daunting task that requires a comprehensive approach.

Valuable guidance in speech development Grade 2

 The importance of the correct development of speech activity is undeniable. Without it possible genuine progress in the teaching of the present vivid communication. Modern software makes high demands on speech development of pupils. Classes for speech development Grade 2 in the Educational Center "Aristotle" have their own set of methods, different types of exercises, its program of skills that are provided with the appropriate technique. The main objective of our lessons language development Grade 2 is that children learn to fluently and correctly express their emotions and thoughts both orally and in writing.
 The main substantive lines on the program development   voice class 2 in the "Aristotle" the center include:
  • the assimilation of literary language;
  • mastery of reading and writing;
  • improving pupils' speech, enhancing its culture.
 It is known that the mastery of speech - it is a way of understanding reality and the richness, accuracy, richness of content of speech depends on the consciousness of the child enrichment different ideas and concepts of the life experience of the student, on the size and dynamism of his knowledge. The main objective of the program on the language development Grade 2 in the heart of "Aristotle" is directed desire to teach children literacy meaningful and convincing dictum their own thoughts, creating on this basis, the preconditions for general and speech development, realization of creative abilities.