Course Objectives:

  • Prepare for writing the compressed presentation and  -reasoning works that meet all the requirements of the Certification Commission;
  • To learn as much as possible to efficiently distribute the time allotted to complete the task.

Features techniques:

  • Complete reinforcement of knowledge in all areas of the Russian language, which are aimed at checking the job of the "C" the DPA on the Russian language: culture and language development, the norms of the literary language, the main stylistic figures and means of artistic expression, etc;
  • The methodology includes didactic (teaching), training and analytical component;
  • Testing of skills of reasoning, writing essays and compressed presentation is based on the analysis of texts, similar interests and high school students at the same time displaying the content of concepts such as morality, education, the choice of way of life, etc.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Stable writing skills compressed presentation and works-arguments that meet the requirements of the Certification Commission;
  • Ability to properly allocate the time allotted for the passage of the examination tests;
  • The graduate gains confidence, overcoming fear of the exam.

Learning course:

  • It is recommended to students of 9 classes that do not have gaps in knowledge of the Russian language;
  • Enrollment in the group performed on the interview results;
  • In the case of the interview gaps in knowledge of Russian grammar before passing the course "Preparing for the DPA: writing and presentation" (part "C") may be recommended for training on the course "Competent Russian»
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